Positive Past Experiences Embody Indonesia-Russia Strong Relation

Mutual respect enjoyed by both Indonesia and Russia has helped for the relationship to grow positively.

oleh Adanti Pradita diperbarui 11 Jul 2015, 08:00 WIB
Diterbitkan 11 Jul 2015, 08:00 WIB
20150626-Wawancara Dubes Rusia-Jakarta-Mikhael Y Galuzin
Liputan6.com berkesempatan untuk melakukan wawancara khusus dengan Duta Besar Rusia untuk Indonesia, Mikhael Y Galuzin dikediamannya, Jakarta, Jumat (26/6/2015). (Liputan6.com/Herman Zakharia)... Selengkapnya

Liputan6.com, Jakarta - Russia, a country housing millions of people from varying ethnicity and cultural background which marks a relatively large proportion of the overall global population, has been viewed hitherto as one of the most powerful nations in the world. 

With vast human resources to utilize the natural resources available, the country has managed to earn the position of leading industrial excellence in the world. 

With Russia enjoying the best of both worlds of having unquestionable power and at the same time its population, which can independently help the national economy to grow with or without the presence of external aid, it is no longer a surprise to see other countries both interested and feel threatened by its presence and power.

Indonesia is among countries that have shown and continue to express interest in developing close relationship with Russia. 

The relationship between Indonesia and Russia has been established for a relatively long time with this year marks its 65th year of constructive partnership in a positively developing diplomatic relationship. 

The formerly known as Soviet Union was among the very first countries in the late 1940s to acknowledge Indonesia's independence from the subjugation of colonial powers.

Russian Ambassador to Indonesia, Mikhael Galuzin shared to Liputan6.com in an exclusive interview for 'The Ambassador' program on Friday 26 June 2015 at the Embassy of Russian Federation situated in Kuningan, South Jakarta, about how the relationship between the two has always been a desirable one with both enjoying mutual respect since the inception of their relationship which contributed to the continuity of positive bond that hitherto binds the two nations.

"During the period in the 1950s and 1960s, the foundations were laid for current Russian Indonesian partnership because we rely on positive experiences of the past and on good traditions of partnership cooperation and mutual assistance that have been built at that time," Ambassador Mikhael stated.

He also went to share his amazement towards Indonesia as the nation was able to strive through difficult period of time particularly in the 1960s where Russia’s assistance was taken into account.

"I am deeply impressed when hearing Indonesia nowadays in the 21st century," he shared further.  (Akp/Ein)

Watch the video below to hear more of his remarks on Indonesia- Russia desirably long- standing relationship:

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