Rumput Harimau Jadi Bahan Wajib Perawatan Kecantikan, Pernah Dengar?

Apa itu rumput harimau atau Tiger Grass? Simak selengkapnya di sini!

oleh Vinsensia Dianawanti Diperbarui 07 Sep 2018, 18:45 WIB
Diterbitkan 07 Sep 2018, 18:45 WIB
Kulit Cantik dan Kulit Indah
Ilustrasi Foto Kulit Cantik (iStockphoto)... Selengkapnya, Jakarta Produk perawatan kecantikan terus berinovasi dengan menghadirkan bahan yang memiliki kandungan baik bagi kulit. Namun pernahkah Anda mendengar rumput harimau atau yang akrab disebut Tiger Grass?

Pada beberapa produk perawatan kecantikan Korea, Tiger Grass kerap kali dimasukkan ke dalam bahan pembuatannya. Mulai dari serum hingg krim. Namun apa sebenarnya manfaat dari Tiger Grass ini bagi perawatan kecantikan?


Promosi 1

Apa itu Tiger Grass?

Rumput harimau dalam bahasa latin disebut centella asiatica adalah bahan tradisional yang sudah digunakan sejak berabad-abad. Dalam pengobatan Cina, rumput harimau ini digunakan untuk mengobati luka.

Rumput yang digunakan bukanlah rumput yang berasal dari hewan harimau. Nama harimau diambil karena harimau di Asia dikenal memiliki khasiat untuk menyembuhkan luka atau infeksi apapun.


Digunakan untuk menyembuhkan luka pada kulit


Have you guys ever had a product that you didn’t realize you needed until AFTER you stopped using it? 🤔 This @drjart Cicapair Tiger Grass Color Correcting Treatment was that product for me. 📖 Story time: I got a little mini size of it in the Sephora Sun Safety Kit. I liked it while I was using it. I liked that it was green in the jar, but completely blended in to my skin untraced. I liked that it looked like a heavy cream, but was super lightweight and went on smoothly. I especially liked that it was a sunscreen that actually helped keep me matte throughout the day. I liked it, but when I ran out I didn’t feel like I needed to run out and purchase the full size immediately 🤷🏻‍♀️… until the next weekend when I tried to go makeup-free. I had been going makeup-free for a few weekends because of how good my skin was looking: bright, even-toned, and healthy. But all of a sudden, I realized my skin had a lot of redness to it and I didn’t feel comfortable going out makeup-free like that. My skin didn’t look like this before, I thought. 🤨 I tried to think of what product I was using that might have caused this, but then it was like a little lightbulb went on 💡 and I realized my skin was this red because of a product I WASN’T using anymore. I hadn’t realized my skin had so much redness before because 1️⃣I was always so focused on treating my acne scars that I didn’t really pay attention to any other skin issues I had and 2️⃣This color correcting treatment was doing its job and helping to neutralize that redness I had. My point is, you might not always realize how much a product is working for your skin until you stop using it. Since I mainly like to use this only a few times a week, I purchased the mini size of it. A little goes a long way with this. Once I get to the point where I’m comfortable enough to go makeup-free on most days, I can definitely see myself purchasing the bigger jar of this! What are some products you have used that you didn’t realize how much you liked them until after you stopped using them? –xoxo, Esme

A post shared by E S M E 💜 (@esmesglowup) on

Menurut penelitian, rumput harimau memang memfasilitasi dalam proses penyembuhan pada sayatan dan luka bakar. Awalnya, rumput harimau ini dipasarkan untuk orang-orang yang memiliki kulit sensitif.

Namun ternyata bahan ini dapat digunakan secara universal untuk semua jenis kulit. Bahan ini sendiri kaya akan asam lemak, fitokimia, termasuk vitamin C, A, dan B1. Khasiatnya, dapat membantu segala jenis permasalahan kulit. Mulai dari berjerawat hingga kulit kusam.

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