, Jakarta Pokemon fans, get ready to catch some hearts! Here are 450 fun Pokemon pick up lines to use on your crush. From sweet to silly, these lines will make them smile like they just caught a shiny Pokemon.
Cute Pokemon Pick Up Lines
1. Are you a Pikachu? Because you light up my world.
Baca Juga
2. I must be a Pokemon trainer, because I just caught your heart.
3. Is your name Charizard? You make my heart burn.
4. You must know Hypnosis, I can’t look away from you.
5. Are you a Jigglypuff? You’ve sung me to dreamland.
6. Call me Ash, I want to be the very best for you.
7. Do you have a map? I keep getting lost in your eyes.
8. Are you a Rare Candy? You make everything better.
9. You must be legendary, you’re one of a kind.
10. Are you an Electric type? I feel a spark between us.
Funny Pokemon Pick Up Lines
11. Are you a Slowpoke? You’ve got me waiting for your love.
12. I must be under Confusion, I’m dizzy around you.
13. Is your love a Poke Flute? It woke up my heart.
14. Are you a Magikarp? You’re splashing into my heart.
15. You must have used Swagger, I can’t stop staring.
16. Are you using Double Team? I see you everywhere.
17. Is your name Geodude? You rock my world.
18. You must be Wobbuffet, I keep coming back to you.
19. Are you Psyduck? You’ve got me puzzled and in love.
20. You’re like a Zubat, you drive me batty.
Clever Pokemon Pick Up Lines
21. Did you use Attract? Because I can’t resist you.
22. You’re like a Snorlax, you’ve stopped me in my tracks.
23. Are you a shiny Pokemon? You’re rare and special.
24. Do you have Sturdy? My love for you can’t be broken.
25. Are you Butterfree? You make my stomach flutter.
26. You’re like a full Pokedex, you’ve got everything I’m looking for.
27. Are you a Moon Stone? You make my world magical.
28. You must be a Fire-type, you’ve set my heart ablaze.
29. Is your name Lugia? You’ve blown me away.
30. Did you just use Substitute? No one can replace you.
Flirty Pokemon Pick Up Lines
31. Are you an Abra? You’ve teleported into my heart.
32. I must be confused like a Diglett in a thunderstorm.
33. Are you using Splash? You’ve made waves in my heart.
34. You must be Gengar, you’ve haunted my dreams.
35. Are you a Bug type? You’re crawling into my heart.
36. You must be Professor Oak, you’ve given me all the right advice.
37. Is your name Machoke? I can’t handle your strength.
38. You must be a Pokemon egg, I can’t wait to hatch this love.
39. Are you a Team Rocket member? You’ve stolen my heart.
40. Are you a Rotom? You’ve powered up my life.
Sweet Pokemon Pick Up Lines
41. Are you Togepi? You’re cute and make me happy.
42. You’re like a Vaporeon, always making my heart melt.
43. You must be Mew, you’re precious and rare.
44. Are you an Audino? You’ve got my heartbeat racing.
45. You must be a Fairy type, you’ve enchanted me.
46. Are you a Dratini? I see a beautiful future with you.
47. You must be Eevee, you’re my dream evolution.
48. Are you Pikachu? Your smile lights up my day.
49. You’re like a Love Ball, you’re perfect for me.
50. I feel like a Clefairy dancing under the moon with you.
Charming Pokemon Pick Up Lines
51. Are you a Flabebe? You’re blooming in my heart.
52. You must have Friend Guard, I feel safe with you.
53. Are you a Soothe Bell? Your love calms me.
54. You’re like a Charmander’s flame, always warm and bright.
55. You must be Sylveon, you’re magical and lovely.
56. Are you a Popplio? You’ve made a splash in my world.
57. You’re like a Poke Puff, sweet and delightful.
58. Are you Altaria? You’ve made my dreams fluffy.
59. You’re like a Leafeon, bringing life and beauty to my world.
60. Are you a Snivy? You’ve slithered into my heart.
Playful Pokemon Pick Up Lines
61. You’re like a Whimsicott, soft and charming.
62. You must be Glaceon, you’re cool but make me feel warm.
63. Are you a Cosmog? You’re the center of my universe.
64. You must be a Chikorita, you’ve grown on me.
65. You’re like a Pikachu hug, comforting and full of love.
66. Are you a Gyarados? You’re strong and majestic.
67. You must be a Machamp, you’re my ultimate champion.
68. Are you a Lucario? Your aura matches mine.
69. You must be an Arcanine, you’re brave and loyal.
70. Are you a Greninja? You’re smooth and mysterious.
Romantic Pokemon Pick Up Lines
71. You must be a Dragonite, you’ve swept me off my feet.
72. Are you using Strength? You’ve lifted my heart.
73. You must be a Rhydon, you’ve charged into my life.
74. Are you a Salamence? You’re my flying dream.
75. You must have a Heart Scale, you’ve taught me how to love.
76. Are you a Blaziken? Your passion burns brightly.
77. You must be a Tyranitar, you’re tough but amazing.
78. Are you a Gardevoir? I feel protected by you.
79. You must be a Staraptor, you’ve soared into my heart.
80. Are you a Charizard? You’re blazing hot.
Witty Pokemon Pick Up Lines
81. You must be a Gallade, you’re always so graceful.
82. Are you a Zoroark? You’ve mystified me with your charm.
83. You must be a Swampert, I trust you with my world.
84. Are you an Infernape? You’ve got a fiery spirit.
85. You must have Thick Fat, nothing could break you down.
86. Are you a Krookodile? You’ve captured my attention.
87. You must be a Luxray, you’ve electrified my heart.
88. Are you using Protect? You’ve got my back.
89. You’re like a Poke Mart, you’ve got everything I need.
90. Are you a Rayquaza? You’ve taken my love to new heights.
Silly Pokemon Pick Up Lines
91. How about you drop that towel so I can take a Pikachu?
92. Just like Bulbasaur, you’ll always be my number 1.
93. Can I call you Cinderella? I’d be happy to be your Prince Charmander!
94. How about we make like Charmander and set your bed on fire tonight?
95. Hey sweet thang, can I watch your Squirtle squirt?
96. If you play your Pokemon cards right, I can make your Bulbasaur tonight.
97. If I were a Clefairy, I will double slap that Jigglypuff.
98. My Pokedex seems broken, can I closely examine you myself?
99. Is that a Ditto in your pocket? I can see myself in your pants.
100. Hey Chikorita, wanna play with my Poke Flute?
Cheesy Pokemon Pick Up Lines
101. Charmander is red and Squirtle is blue, but out of all 151 I’d still choose you.
102. If I had a Master Ball, I’ll definitely use it on you.
103. Hey girl, you put the cool in Tentacool.
104. Unlike Magikarp, I bet something happens when you use Splash.
105. I wish I was Seaking, so I could Horn Drill you.
106. Wanna take a ride on my Gyarados?
107. Hey girl, are you a Hitmonlee? Because your body is kicking.
108. If I were a Hitmonchan, I would Thunderpunch that Cloyster.
109. Just like Ditto, I can be anything you want tonight. Results may vary.
110. There are lots of Magikarp in the sea but I’m looking for a Gyarados like you.
Smooth Pokemon Pick Up Lines
111. Just like Umbreon, I evolve at night too.
112. I don’t care if you are Koffing or Weezing, you’re my kind of poison.
113. I know you’re not a Pokestop, but I’d still spin you around and tap that.
114. Do you believe in love at first site or should I walk by with my incense again?
115. I won’t need a Lucky Egg to get lucky tonight.
116. Hey girl, can I hatch an egg in your Secret Base?
117. Ohhh, you’re so hot, I think I’m gonna need a Burn Heal.
118. You’re such a great catch, I think I’m going to use my only Master Ball on you.
119. What do I have to do to get you to show me your Secret Base?
120. If I were a Pidgeotto, I would Gust your pants right off.
Nerdy Pokemon Pick Up Lines
121. Let’s make like a Super Rod and hook up.
122. Good thing we’re not Electrodes because tonight, we might cause an explosion.
123. Aye girl, if I were a Nidoking, you’d be my Nidoqueen.
124. Are you from the Hoenn region? Because you’re the only HO I see.
125. I think I need a Paralyze Heal because you are stunning.
126. Hey gorgeous, do you play Pokemon Go? Because I’m trying to Squirtle on your Jigglypuffs.
127. Do you wanna play with my Poke Balls?
128. If you’re Snorlax, can you make an Earthquake in my bed?
129. Hey baby, are you a Pokemon? I’ve got an opening on my team and you are just my type.
130. All I want for Christmas this year is Mew.
Corny Pokemon Pick Up Lines
131. I’m going to give you an Everstone because I want you to stay just the way you are.
132. If I were a Clefairy, I would Double Slap that Jigglypuff.
133. My Pokedex appears to be broken, can I closely examine you myself?
134. Hey Chikorita, wanna play with my flute?
135. Girl, you are a good catch. I think I might have to use my only Master Ball on you.
136. Are you a Fire-type Pokemon? Because you are pretty hot.
137. Girl, are you a Pokemon? Because I would love to throw my balls at you.
138. BUTTERFREE up your schedule cause imma BEEDRILLING you all night.
139. Hey girl with the Jigglypuffs, let me take a Pikachu.
140. Girl, you must have used Tail Whip because your booty is leaving me defenseless.
Geeky Pokemon Pick Up Lines
141. My Exeggcute is very weak. Battle to gain experience.
142. Let’s go make Mewtwo for two of us.
143. Would you like to play my Pokemon Flute?
144. Do you want to Lickitung my Mudkip?
145. I want to apply Sweet Honey to your Forretress.
146. If I’m Pidgeot, I can take off your pants with Gust.
147. Do you want to see my Poliwag?
148. Like Umbreon, I evolve at night.
149. If you compare yourself to Pokemon, you’re a Squirtle. Because you get me wet!
150. Do you want to battle? My Monster Ball is ready!
Quirky Pokemon Pick Up Lines
151. How would you like me to use my Onix to Bind you to my bed?
152. I’d like to ride you like a Horsea.
153. You must swim around Cinnabar Island because you are the MISSINGNO to my heart.
154. Are you Pikachu? Because you electrify me.
155. You don’t have to ring the bell. If our eyes meet, I’ll come.
156. Was Charmander your starter? Because you are a blazing inferno.
157. I’d use Rock Climb in your forest.
158. Your smile is stronger than a Hyper Beam.
159. Will you use Rock Polish on my Poke Balls?
160. Hey girl, you make my Caterpie go Metapod.
Cheeky Pokemon Pick Up Lines
161. I don’t need my Poke-Dex to find YOUR Ghastly.
162. Oh my! I think something may have Mega Evolved in my pants!
163. Want to register your number in my PokeNav?
164. My love for you burns like a Charizard’s tail.
165. Can I Vine Whip you with my Bulbasaur?
166. Can I fertilize you with my Sunkern?
167. My Exeggcute are pretty weak. Let’s battle so they can get some experience.
168. Wanna watch my Ekans evolve?
169. I made you some Moo Moo Milk, but I forgot to use my Miltank.
170. I wanna Munchlax your Cloyster.
Sassy Pokemon Pick Up Lines
171. I’m a real Machamp, if you know what I mean.
172. How about you use Rest, so I can Sleep with you.
173. Kiss me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?
174. My Kadabra has just used Future Sight, and guess what? It looks like we have a future together.
175. Hey, girl, feel my sweater. Do you know what it’s made of? Boyfriend material.
176. I value my breath, so it would be nice if you didn’t take it away every time you pass by.
177. Did you use Confuse Ray on me? Because I am becoming dizzy.
178. I don’t need to catch them all. You are enough.
179. My Zombie plan has been written to include you.
180. My Diglett is attracted to your Sweet Scent.
Flirtatious Pokemon Pick Up Lines
181. STIs are like Pokemon baby; I have to get them all! Do you want to help me out?
182. Those are some nice Hoothoots you got there.
183. The name’s Cock… I mean Brock… Wait, I said that right.
184. Why don’t you and me go back to my gym and have a naked battle?
185. You’re gonna need a Hyper Potion by the time I’m done with you.
186. You’ve got the lips of a Jynx!
187. You are Starmie and I am Staryu because we belong together.
188. How about you come and see my Safari Zone?
189. Aipom’s pretty good with his hands, and so am I.
190. I’d Pound you with my Piplup.
Daring Pokemon Pick Up Lines
191. I’m not gonna Raichu a love song.
192. I like to compare myself with Smeargle – I’m pretty handy with a paintbrush.
193. Are you the opposing Toxapex’s HP? Because I wanna see you drop down.
194. Are you Gen 1 Amnesia? Because you make me feel twice as special.
195. Did you use the move Attract? Because I feel immobilized by love.
196. They call me Eviolite Chansey because I have a lot of bulk.
197. Are you a passive Pokemon? Because I start to Nasty Plot whenever I see you.
198. My map says there’s a hottie nearby, and the footprints led me right to you.
199. Can you feel the Spark between us?
200. No one holds a Candela to you.
Bold Pokemon Pick Up Lines
201. I must be a Pokemon because you’ve Lured me in.
202. If you need to stock up on Pokeballs, I’ve got a couple right here.
203. Have you been working out? Because you look like a Gym Leader.
204. Show me your Rattatas.
205. Come to this Poke Stop often?
206. Is that girl a gym? Because I want to defend her.
207. Hey, girl, lemme impress you with my Valor.
208. When your post is trending and you’re more famous than the Elite Four.
209. Are you a Pokemon? Because I would like to catch you with my balls.
210. Hey girl, are you into Pokemon? I’d like to Squirtle on dem Jigglypuffs.
Daring Pokemon Pick Up Lines
211. Can I Squirtle on your Jigglypuffs?
212. Do you squirt or just Hydro Pump?
213. It’s a good thing I am a Pokemon trainer so I can handle your Jigglypuffs.
214. I am like a Slowpoke to your Cloyster.
215. Why are your Poke Balls sagging in your Poke Sack?
216. What’s your number? So I can register you as a Pokemon trainer, duh.
217. If I was Nidoking, you’d be my Nidoqueen.
218. Do you like Pokeballs? Because you’re about to get really close to mine.
219. How about you Rest, so I can Sleep with you?
220. Yo, I got some legendary Pokemon. Do you want to touch my Pokeballs to see how legendary they are?
Risque Pokemon Pick Up Lines
221. Hey, you want to see my Bellsprout?
222. Those are some nice Hoothoots you got there.
223. Aye girl, you know you want me to Squirtle you.
224. The name’s Cock… I mean Brock… Wait, I said that right…
225. How would you like to see my Viridian Forest? Well, it’s not really viridian.
226. How about you come and see my Safari Zone?
227. Want to ride my Empoleon?
228. You’re such a good catch, I think I’ll use my only Master Ball on you.
229. Let’s make like a Super Rod and hook up.
230. My Shellder wants to clamp onto your Slowpoke’s tail!
Naughty Pokemon Pick Up Lines
231. Squirtle isn’t the ONLY one that can use Water Gun. *wink*
232. STDs are like Pokemon baby, gotta catch ’em all! Wanna help me out?
233. Do you like Pokeballs? Because you’re about to get really close to one of mine.
234. Want to Link your cable onto me?
235. I’d like to Leech my Seeds into you.
236. You put the “Wiggle” in Wigglytuff.
237. Aipom’s pretty good with his hands, and so am I.
238. I wanna see your Squirtle squirt.
239. If I was a Pokemon right now, I’d be an Erectabuzz.
240. If you were in a Pokemon Contest, you’d win first place in the Beauty/Cuteness category.
Spicy Pokemon Pick Up Lines
241. I think we’re going to need Defog (HM05) before the night is done.
242. I’d like to Slowpoke your Cloyster.
243. Are you a Hitmonlee? ‘Cause your body is kickin’.
244. You make me feel like an Electrode, you give me an Explosion in my pants.
245. You make me erupt like the Cinnabar Island volcano.
246. You must be a Charmander because you’re getting me hot.
247. Let’s make like the pages of this guidebook and get under the covers.
248. Baby, I’m a Mismagius. I’ll make all of your wildest dreams come true.
249. My Lickitung can reach deeper than you can imagine!
250. Don’t make me use Water Gun all over you!
Saucy Pokemon Pick Up Lines
251. Are you from the Hoenn Region? ‘Cuz you’re the only HO I see.
252. I wanna Munchlax your Cloyster.
253. I’m a real Machamp, if you know what I mean.
254. How about you use Rest, so I can Sleep with you?
255. My Typhlosion knows Explosion!
256. I heard Meowth’s not the only mischievous pussy in town.
257. Have you been taking lessons from a Lickitung?
258. You’re gonna need a Hyper Potion by the time I’m done with you.
259. You put the “BONE” in Cubone.
260. I’ll use Rock Climb in your Fortress.
Flirty Pokemon Pick Up Lines
261. My Diglett’s attracted to your Sweet Scent.
262. Did you use Confuse Ray? ‘Cuz you’re making me dizzy.
263. I’d Pound you with my Piplup.
264. You make me Rhy-horny!
265. You just gave me a Cubone.
266. My Bulbasaur knows Tickle.
267. I can make your Jigglypuffs sing.
268. I can make your Miltanks moo.
269. I wish you and I were Weedles, so we could make a Kakuna and evolve together.
270. Hey, I’ve got some legendary Pokemon. Do you want to touch my Pokeballs to see just how legendary they are?
Playful Pokemon Pick Up Lines
271. If you were a Pokemon, you’d be a Squirtle, ’cause you make me wet!
272. Pokeballs are red, Greatballs are blue, If you were a Pokemon, I’d choose you.
273. Let’s go make a Mewtwo of our own.
274. I wish I was a Magikarp, so I could use Splash on you!
275. My Exeggcute are pretty weak. Let’s battle so they can get some experience.
276. Wanna watch my Ekans evolve?
277. I made you some Moo Moo Milk, but I forgot to use my Miltank.
278. You make my Gyarados Hydro Pump!
279. I wanna spread Honey on your Forretress.
280. If I were a Ghastly, I’d seep right through your pants.
Teasing Pokemon Pick Up Lines
281. I wish I was an Abra, so I could Teleport to your bedroom.
282. If I were a Pidgeotto, I’d Gust your pants off.
283. It’s a good thing that I’m a Pokemon trainer and can handle your Jigglypuffs!
284. If I were a Clefairy, I’d Double-Slap dat Jigglypuff.
285. I think I’m going to need a Burn Heal because you’re hot.
286. You put the “cool” in Tentacool.
287. Why don’t you and me go back to my gym and have a naked battle?
288. Charmander is red, Squirtle is blue. If you were a Pokemon, I’d choose you.
289. Your smile is shiny like a Hyper Beam. Like Jessie and James, we’d make a great team.
290. I’ll stay by your side like Misty and Ash, my love for you burns like a fast Rapidash.
Cheeky Pokemon Pick Up Lines
291. You’re more legendary than Entei or Mew, but out of a million, I choose you.
292. When I’m around you, I am like a Geodude, as hard as a rock!
293. I wish you and I were Weedles, so you and I could make a Kakuna and evolve together.
294. Hey, I’ve got some legendary Pokemon. Do you want to touch my Pokeballs to see just how legendary they are?
295. It’s a good thing that I’m a Pokemon trainer and can handle your Jigglypuffs!
296. I wish you were the ground and I was a Diglett so I could be inside of you.
297. Hey there Vulpixy lady.
298. I’ve got an Onix, and if you come over to my place I’ll show you his move Earthquake (TM 27).
299. Sorry, I have to go, my Starmie needs a bath.
300. Get away from me! My Sandslash could Poke-castrate your goddamned Onix!
Clever Pokemon Pick Up Lines
301. Are you a Pikachu? Because you are shockingly beautiful.
302. Roses are red, violets are blue. If you were a Pokemon, I’d choose you.
303. Wanna go Pokemon hunting tonight? Because I wanna catch a Pikachu (peek-at-chu)!
304. I know you’re not a Pokestop but I’d still spin you around and tap that.
305. I like to Pikachu when you’re naked!
306. There are a lot of Magikarp in the sea, but I’m looking for a Gyarados.
307. You’re such a good catch,_I think I’ll use my only Master Ball on you.
308. I wish you were the ground and I was a Diglett so I could be inside of you.
309. Do you wanna battle? ‘Cuz my balls are at the ready!
310. Groudon is red, Kyogre is blue, if you were a Pokemon, I’d choose you.
Smooth Pokemon Pick Up Lines
311. Will you use Rock Polish on my Pokeballs?
312. Hey girl, lemme see them Jigglypuffs.
313. My love for you burns like a Charizard’s tail.
314. Can I Vine Whip you with my Bulbasaur?
315. If I were a Nidoking, you would be my Nidoqueen.
316. Aye baby, are you a Flareon? Because you’re a sexy fox.
317. If I were a Miltank, I’d use Attract on you.
318. You make me want to Sing myself to sleep!
319. Looking at your Jigglypuffs makes my Bulbasaur.
320. Are you a Pokemon? Because I would like to catch you with my balls.
Witty Pokemon Pick Up Lines
321. Want to register your number in my PokeNav?
322. Is that a Sudowoodo in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
323. I’d like to ride you like a Horsea.
324. When I look at you, my Metapod can’t get any harder.
325. You remind me of Pokemon, I just want to Pikachu.
326. Hey girl, are you into Pokemon? I’d like to Squirtle on dem Jigglypuffs.
327. Do you wanna play my Poke Flute?
328. Can I Squirtle on your Jigglypuffs?
329. Hey girl, you make my Caterpie go Metapod.
330. I don’t need my Poke-Dex to find YOUR Ghastly.
Charming Pokemon Pick Up Lines
331. Oh my! I think something may have Mega Evolved in my pants!
332. When I’m around you, I am like a Geodude, as hard as a rock!
333. I’ve got Masterballs baby.
334. Do you want my Wailord inside you?
335. Do you wanna play with my Poke Balls?
336. Have you seen my Master Balls? I heard you can’t escape them.
337. You want me to become Charmander? ‘Cause my Poke Flute is on fire right now.
338. I think I need a Paralyze Heal, because you’re stunning.
339. My Pokeballs are Swift in your mouth.
340. Are you a Rare Candy? ‘Cuz I feel a level-up.
Playful Pokemon Pick Up Lines
341. If you were a Pokemon, I’d choose you!
342. My Donphan won’t Rollout for you much longer.
343. Do you wanna see what’s in my ball bag?
344. Do you wanna see my Poliwag?
345. Like an Umbreon, I also evolve at night.
346. Can I fertilize you with my Sunkern?
347. How would you like me to use my Onix to Bind you to my bed?
348. I’d like to Squirtle in your Jigglypuff.
349. My Gyarados is big enough for you to ride it all day and night.
350. You’re more beautiful than a Beautifly.
Flirty Pokemon Pick Up Lines
351. Let’s have a Togepi of our own!
352. What’s your favorite Pokemon move? Mine is Lick.
353. You’ve got the lips of a Jynx!
354. Can I get into YOUR Secret Base?
355. You remind me of Deoxys, you’re out of this world.
356. Those are some nice Hoothoots you got there.
357. Aye girl, you know you want me to Squirtle you.
358. The name’s Cock… I mean Brock… Wait, I said that right…
359. How would you like to see my Viridian Forest? Well, it’s not really viridian.
360. How about you come and see my Safari Zone?
Sassy Pokemon Pick Up Lines
361. Want to ride my Empoleon?
362. You’re such a good catch, I think I’ll use my only Master Ball on you.
363. Let’s make like a Super Rod and hook up.
364. My Shellder wants to clamp onto your Slowpoke’s tail!
365. Squirtle isn’t the ONLY one that can use Water Gun. *wink*
366. STDs are like Pokemon baby, gotta catch ’em all! Wanna help me out?
367. Do you like Pokeballs? Because you’re about to get really close to one of mine.
368. Want to Link your cable onto me?
369. I’d like to Leech my Seeds into you.
370. You put the “Wiggle” in Wigglytuff.
Cheeky Pokemon Pick Up Lines
371. Aipom’s pretty good with his hands, and so am I.
372. I wanna see your Squirtle squirt.
373. If I was a Pokemon right now, I’d be an Erectabuzz.
374. If you were in a Pokemon Contest, you’d win first place in the Beauty/Cuteness category.
375. I think we’re going to need Defog (HM05) before the night is done.
376. I’d like to Slowpoke your Cloyster.
377. Are you a Hitmonlee? ‘Cause your body is kickin’.
378. You make me feel like an Electrode, you give me an Explosion in my pants.
379. You make me erupt like the Cinnabar Island volcano.
380. You must be a Charmander because you’re getting me hot.
Bold Pokemon Pick Up Lines
381. Let’s make like the pages of this guidebook and get under the covers.
382. Baby, I’m a Mismagius. I’ll make all of your wildest dreams come true.
383. My Lickitung can reach deeper than you can imagine!
384. Don’t make me use Water Gun all over you!
385. Are you from the Hoenn Region? ‘Cuz you’re the only HO I see.
386. I wanna Munchlax your Cloyster.
387. I’m a real Machamp, if you know what I mean.
388. How about you use Rest, so I can Sleep with you?
389. My Typhlosion knows Explosion!
390. I heard Meowth’s not the only mischievous pussy in town.
Daring Pokemon Pick Up Lines
391. Have you been taking lessons from a Lickitung?
392. You’re gonna need a Hyper Potion by the time I’m done with you.
393. You put the “BONE” in Cubone.
394. I’ll use Rock Climb in your Fortress.
395. My Diglett’s attracted to your Sweet Scent.
396. Did you use Confuse Ray? ‘Cuz you’re making me dizzy.
397. I’d Pound you with my Piplup.
398. You make me Rhy-horny!
399. You just gave me a Cubone.
400. My Bulbasaur knows Tickle.
Risque Pokemon Pick Up Lines
401. I can make your Jigglypuffs sing.
402. I can make your Miltanks moo.
403. I wish you and I were Weedles, so we could make a Kakuna and evolve together.
404. Hey, I’ve got some legendary Pokemon. Do you want to touch my Pokeballs to see just how legendary they are?
405. If you were a Pokemon, you’d be a Squirtle, ’cause you make me wet!
406. Pokeballs are red, Greatballs are blue, If you were a Pokemon, I’d choose you.
407. Let’s go make a Mewtwo of our own.
408. I wish I was a Magikarp, so I could use Splash on you!
409. My Exeggcute are pretty weak. Let’s battle so they can get some experience.
410. Wanna watch my Ekans evolve?
Spicy Pokemon Pick Up Lines
411. I made you some Moo Moo Milk, but I forgot to use my Miltank.
412. You make my Gyarados Hydro Pump!
413. I wanna spread Honey on your Forretress.
414. If I were a Ghastly, I’d seep right through your pants.
415. I wish I was an Abra, so I could Teleport to your bedroom.
416. If I were a Pidgeotto, I’d Gust your pants off.
417. It’s a good thing that I’m a Pokemon trainer and can handle your Jigglypuffs!
418. If I were a Clefairy, I’d Double-Slap dat Jigglypuff.
419. I think I’m going to need a Burn Heal because you’re hot.
420. You put the “cool” in Tentacool.
Naughty Pokemon Pick Up Lines
421. Why don’t you and me go back to my gym and have a naked battle?
422. Charmander is red, Squirtle is blue. If you were a Pokemon, I’d choose you.
423. Your smile is shiny like a Hyper Beam. Like Jessie and James, we’d make a great team.
424. I’ll stay by your side like Misty and Ash, my love for you burns like a fast Rapidash.
425. You’re more legendary than Entei or Mew, but out of a million, I choose you.
426. When I’m around you, I am like a Geodude, as hard as a rock!
427. I wish you and I were Weedles, so you and I could make a Kakuna and evolve together.
428. Hey, I’ve got some legendary Pokemon. Do you want to touch my Pokeballs to see just how legendary they are?
429. It’s a good thing that I’m a Pokemon trainer and can handle your Jigglypuffs!
430. I wish you were the ground and I was a Diglett so I could be inside of you.
Saucy Pokemon Pick Up Lines
431. Hey there Vulpixy lady.
432. I’ve got an Onix, and if you come over to my place I’ll show you his move Earthquake (TM 27).
433. Sorry, I have to go, my Starmie needs a bath.
434. Get away from me! My Sandslash could Poke-castrate your goddamned Onix!
435. Are you a Pikachu? Because you are shockingly beautiful.
436. Roses are red, violets are blue. If you were a Pokemon, I’d choose you.
437. Wanna go Pokemon hunting tonight? Because I wanna catch a Pikachu (peek-at-chu)!
438. I know you’re not a Pokestop but I’d still spin you around and tap that.
439. I like to Pikachu when you’re naked!
440. There are a lot of Magikarp in the sea, but I’m looking for a Gyarados.
441. You’re such a good catch, I think I’ll use my only Master Ball on you.
442. I wish you were the ground and I was a Diglett so I could be inside of you.
443. Do you wanna battle? ‘Cuz my balls are at the ready!
444. Groudon is red, Kyogre is blue, if you were a Pokemon, I’d choose you.
445. Will you use Rock Polish on my Pokeballs?
446. Hey girl, lemme see them Jigglypuffs.
447. My love for you burns like a Charizard’s tail.
448. Can I Vine Whip you with my Bulbasaur?
449. If I were a Nidoking, you would be my Nidoqueen.
450. Aye baby, are you a Flareon? Because you’re a sexy fox.
There you have it – 450 Pokemon pick up lines to help you catch that special someone! Remember, the key to a good pick up line is confidence and a sense of humor. Use these lines wisely and may the odds be ever in your favor, Trainer!