KMP & KIH Finally at Peace

KMP and KIH have decided to put an end to the conflict as to prevent ineffectiveness in the parliament

oleh Taufiqurrohman diperbarui 17 Nov 2014, 20:23 WIB
Diterbitkan 17 Nov 2014, 20:23 WIB
KIH dan KMP Resmi Berdamai
Ketua DPR Setya Novanto, Perwakilan KIH Olly Dondokambey dan Pramono Anung, serta Perwakilan KMP Hatta Rajasa, serta Sekjeni Parta Idrus Marham saat memberikan keterangan pers di Gedung DPR RI, Jakarta, Senin (17/11/2014). ( M Tunay)... Selengkapnya, Jakarta A Cold War in the Parliament is best portrayed by the long unresolved feud between Koalisi Merah Putih (KMP) and Koalisi Indonesia Hebat (KIH). Responding to previous undesirable experiences and in order to avoid protracted split within the parliament which may bring pejorative political implication to each side, both coalitions have finally decided for a reconciliation. They agreed to sign a peace treaty today to end the conflict. Final agreement was successfully reached after both coalitions concurred to revise a number of articles in MPR, DPR, DPD and DPRD decree (Act MD3).

“Article number 98 Paragraph 6, 7, 8 and article number 74 as stated in the MD3 decree,” informed House Speaker Setya Novanto at the parliament building, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday (11/17/2014).

His statement however, is paradoxical to what PAN party Chairman Hatta Rajasa claimed earlier. Hatta said that they will retain paragraph 6 Article number 98 from the MD3 decree. The article he is referring to focuses on the right of interpellation and freedom of expression of members of the parliament. He feels that there are a number of articles assessed by Hatta that are susceptible to redundancy and need to be removed.

Articles that Koalisi Indonesia Hebat wish to revise include article number 74 and number 98 Act No. 17 2014 in regards to MD3. Article 74 paragraph 3 states that, each statesman who disobeys or overlooks recommendations given by the parliament will have to face the consequences where the parliament is allowed to use their right of interpellation, right to enquire, right to express and right to question.

When he was asked whether or not there will be another articles to be revised, Setya Novanto said the only thing that needs to be done is organizing the parliament in an orderly manner.

The signing of the agreement will be conducted today at the Parliament building. Setya Novanto informed that KMP and KIH elites would be there to sign and witness the peace process. KMP will be represented by Aburizal Bakrie, Prabowo Subianto, Hatta Rajasa and Idrus Marham as entrusted by Anies Matta. From KIH, Pramono Anung and Olly Dondokambey. (Akp/Ein)



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