, Jakarta - The 60th Asia-Africa Conference Commemoration has now entered its fifth day with President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo and his Vice President Jusuf Kalla equally preoccupied by the agenda to meet a number of President and Prime Minister level foreign delegations. President Jokowi’s first bilateral meeting this Thursday morning (23/4/2015) was with the Prime Minister of Thailand, Prayut Chan-ocha.
The meeting was done privately in Kakatua room at the Jakarta Convention Centre, Senayan. The Indonesian Cabinet Secretary, Andi Widjajanto was present at the location as he yielded information regarding the discussion inside the bilateral meeting between the two leaders.
He claimed that the discussion focused on issue relating to the illegal fishing which has been so rampant in the Indonesian water. The discussion was deemed imperative knowing that some of the previously captured vessels reportedly used Thailand flag, which immediately led to the need for furtherance of confirmation regarding its status and also addressing issue effort from the two leaders.
"The primary topic for the discussion between Indonesia and Thailand was the furtherance of cooperation in combating illegal fishing," Andi concisely informed to the media present at the location.
At the meeting, President Jokowi was accompanied by the Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs, Indroyono Soesilo, Minister of Maritime and Fisheries Affairs, Susi Pudjiastuto and the Coordinating Minister of Economy, Sofyan Djalil.
Their presence are equally important as the subjects being discussed would have an impact, on the decision making processes about the Indonesian Maritime and Fisheries issues as well as the economic relations between the two countries. (Akp/Tnt)
Jokowi and Thailand Dialogue Over Illegal Fishing
President Jokowi commenced 5th day of AAC 2015 at JCC by meeting with Thailand PM.
Diperbarui 23 Apr 2015, 11:58 WIBDiterbitkan 23 Apr 2015, 11:58 WIB
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