Jokowi Rallies Government to Fight Against Global Economic Crisis

President Joko Widodo prepares his government as the global recession is looming.

oleh Tommy K. Rony Diperbarui 20 Okt 2022, 11:20 WIB
Diterbitkan 19 Okt 2022, 19:10 WIB
Momen Jokowi Kumpulkan Kapolres Seluruh Indonesia di Istana
Presiden Joko Widodo memberikan arahan kepada jajaran Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia (Polri), di Istana Negara, Jakarta, Jumat (14/10/2022). Pertemuan dihadiri oleh 559 personil Polri yang terdiri dari pejabat utama Mabes Polri, Kapolda, serta Kapolres. (Foto: Lukas - Biro Pers Sekretariat Presiden)... Selengkapnya, Jakarta - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is rallying the government to prepare against the economic crisis. His warning comes as the United Nations and International Monetary Fund have sounded the alarm of the global recession. 

During his speech in Tangerang, President Jokowi told his government needs to move in tandem both at the macro and micro levels. He also asks his government to work harder. 

"In this difficult situation, hard work is the key," said Jokowi at the opening of Trade Expo Indonesia in Tangerang, Wednesday (19/10/2022).

President Jokowi said it is not possible to just focus at the macro level, and so he asked the micro level works to be more detailed.

"So both of them move together. Monetary authority moves. Fiscal authority moves. And then the regions also move," said President Jokowi.

Just last week, President Jokowi also declared that the "storm" is incoming and the government needs to work with precision. He cited the report that 28 countries have been asking for aid to IMF.

"That means the storm is coming so our preparation needs to be a detailed preparation. No more for us working as routine. No more for now," said President Jokowi during a high-level cabinet meeting at the State Palace in Jakarta last Tuesday.

He also warned the government agencies to be detailed and careful in making sensitive policy. Furthermore, Jokowi asked the government to focus on the real matters. 

"Once again, the policy of each ministry and agency must be careful. Small matters these days are all sensitive," said Jokowi.

"Also for the implementations of the existing programs, look carefully at whether the benefits are real or not. If not, you may turn it into the real matters," Jokowi commanded.

Promosi 1

Worse Than the 1998

Menko Bidang Perekonomian Airlangga Hartarto (Dok:
Menko Bidang Perekonomian Airlangga Hartarto (Dok: Selengkapnya

Coordinating Minister for Economics Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto, previously also warned that the incoming crisis to be worse than the 1998 economic crisis. Hartarto also cited the fact that 28 countries already asked the IMF for aids. 

"Mr. President conveyed that in IMF there are 28 countries who get in to receive ads. 14 already got in and 14 are still in process. This magnitude is bigger than the 1998 crisis," said Minister Airlangga at the State Palace in Jakarta.

The 1997-1998 crisis was particularly severe in East and Southeast Asia. During that crisis, President Soeharto also fell from power after more than three decades in power. 

Airlangga stated that the Indonesia's rupiah is in good position compared to other ASEAN currencies such as Malaysia's ringgit and Thailand's Baht. He also said that Indonesian economy still has a strong position as it has the highest growth among the G20 countries, right after Saudi Arabia. 

Meanwhile, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has announced that Indonesian GDP will grow above 5 percent in 2023. But she warned about the negative projection in various countries. 

"The downward projection is happening in every country whether developed or developing countries," said Minister Sri Mulyani this Wednesday.

Food Crisis

Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin Peringatkan Tak Ragu Pakai Senjata Nuklir Lawan Ukraina
Pesawat pembom jarak jauh Tu-22M-3 Rusia terbang saat parade militer Hari Kemenangan menandai 71 tahun setelah kemenangan dalam Perang Dunia II di Lapangan Merah, Moskow, Rusia, 9 Mei 2016. Mark Cancian, seorang ahli militer dengan Program Keamanan Internasional CSIS di Washington, mengatakan Rusia kemungkinan tidak akan menggunakan senjata nuklir di garis depan. (AP Photo, File)... Selengkapnya

The country's top diplomat also acknowledged how the Russo-Ukrainian war is creating the food crisis. This could potentially impact Indonesia whose more than 270 million people consume rice. 

"Ukraine and Russia are the keys on the global food chain. Breadbasket of the world," said Minister Retno Marsudi in her speech at the Indonesian Air Force Command and Staff College on Tuesday (19/10).

"Because of the war, the food crisis is quickly becoming a threat for the world. The global food price index reached its peak in May 2022," she continued.

Minister Retno particularly highlighted the price of fertilizer. If the price stays high during the next harvesting season, the world will experience a rice crisis.

"This will impact three billion of the world's citizens, including our region," she warned.

Ukraine is an important global exporter of fertilizer. The war has been making it difficult for them to send fertilizer to other countries.

Minister Retno also cited the IMF to warn people of the incoming economic troubles. 

"IMF has warned the worst is yet to come and for many people, 2023 will feel like a recession. The economic slowdown can also happen in Southeast Asia," said Retno.


Lisza Egeham, Benedikta Miranti T.V, and Muhammad Radityo Priyasmoro contributed to this article.

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