A Tourist Died of Exhaustion in Traffic Jam During Eid Holidays in West Java

A man died on his way to a tourist destination in Bogor, West Java, during Eid holidays.

oleh Tommy K. Rony Diperbarui 28 Apr 2023, 12:36 WIB
Diterbitkan 27 Apr 2023, 20:00 WIB
Seorang wisatawan meninggal dunia saat menuju objek wisata di Puncak 2, Kecamatan Sukamakmur, Kabupaten Bogor, Rabu (26/4/2023) siang. Pria tersebut meninggal diduga karena kelelahan akibat terjebak macet (Liputan6.com/Achmad Sudarno)
A tourist passed away on his way to Puncak 2 tourist destination in Bogor, West Java. (Liputan6.com/Achmad Sudarno)... Selengkapnya

Liputan6.com, Bogor - A tourist lost his life after being stuck in traffic in Puncak, Bogor Regency. Amanah (48) was on his way to a popular holiday destination with his wife when he collapsed. 

Puncak (literally means top) is a highland area in West Java. Its close proximity to Jakarta makes Puncak a popular area during holidays for school students or families. 

The man was originally from Cempaka Putih, North Jakarta. He and his friends were travelling to Puncak on his motorcycle in this Eid holidays on Wednesday (26/4)

On that afternoon, many vehicles were trapped in a terrible congestion and even motorcyclists could not move. Suddenly, Amanah was leaning down and falling from his motorcycle. 

His wife was screaming in panic and Amanah was evacuated by his friends and other people to a shop, but he was already not breathing.

Amanah passed away at around 11.30 AM.

Police also arrived on the scene and took Amanah to a government health center (Puskesmas) in Sukamakmur. But the doctor believed that Amanah already lost his life after falling from his motorcycle.

"Upon arrival in Puskesmas, the victim already died. Most likely he passed away the moment he fell from the motorcycle," said the head of ICU at puskesmas in Sukamakmur, Teguh Yudiana.

Teguh said Amanah was apparently exhausted on the road. His wife also said her husband did not rest properly the night before. 

"Moreover, he had records of diabetes and heart problems," said Teguh. Amanah was then brought back to Jakarta to be buried.

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