Si Kucing Hijau Ganti Warna

Tak terlihat belakangan ini, membuat warga Varna berfikir si kucing hijau telah diculik. Tapi ternyata warnanya telah berubah.

oleh Shareva Azahra Diperbarui 13 Jan 2015, 20:01 WIB
Diterbitkan 13 Jan 2015, 20:01 WIB
Moggy, kucing hijau unik yang telah dicuci (
Moggy, kucing hijau unik yang bulunya telah dicuci ( Selengkapnya, Sofia - Si kucing hijau bernama Moggy ini dicari-cari warga di resor Laut Hitam Varna, Bulgaria. Sebab belakangan tak terlihat keberadaannya. Mereka bahkan mengira ada orang yang menculik binatang tersebut.

Ternyata binatang jalanan itu telah berubah warna, karena dicuci oleh sekelompok orang pecinta hewan. Demikian seperti yang dilansir dari Metro UK.

Mandatory Credit: Photo by REX (4366457a)  Combo photo showing the green cat before and after it was washed  Green cat is washed by animal rescue team, Varna, Bulgaria - 08 Jan 2015  Not feline quite so green! The green cat that caused a stir online after being spotted in the Bulgarian city of Varna is not feeling quite so green anymore. For the famous puss has been given a wash by an animal rescue team allowing its natural fur colour to be seen for the first time. However, remnants of its former self can be seen thanks to a few green patches that remain, namely on its ears and chest. When images of the cat first emerged they were greeted by outrage, with people believing that it had deliberately been painted. However, it turns out that the animal has its unusual sleeping location to thank for its colouring. The cat spends its nights in an old garage where it snoozes on some old green paint left there are construction work. Licking its body then ensured that the whole of its body got covered and turned it a lurid shade of green.

Warna 'baru' bulu Moggy belum sepenuhnya bersih. Masih ada sedikit semburat hijau pada beberapa bagian tubuhnya. Meski demikian, warga sekitar senang bisa melihat kucing liar itu lagi. (Sha/Tnt)

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