, Jakarta - Aktor Ashraf Sinclair meninggal dunia pada hari ini, Selasa (18/2/2020). Kabar duka ini pun menyedot perhatian publik dengan ucapan duka di ranah internet, termasuk Twitter.
Pantauan tim Tekno, kata kunci Ashraf Sinclair saat artikel ini ditulis berada di puncak Indonesia trends di Twitter. Warganet membanjiri media sosial tersebut dengan twit belasungkawa.
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Berikut beberapa belasungkawa yang disampaikan oleh warganet:
"Innalillahi wainnaillaihi rajiun. Just heard the news that Ashraf Sinclair just passed away. So young," twit dari penulis novel Ika Natassa dengan akun @ikanatassa.
Innalillahi wainnaillaihi rajiun. Just heard the news that Ashraf Sinclair just passed away. So young 😭
— Ika Natassa (@ikanatassa) February 17, 2020
"I grew up watching Ashraf Sinclair on TV. Sad to hear the news of his sudden demise. Truly, death is unexpected. Always appreciate everyone in your life," tulis pemilik akun @JatIkhwan.
I grew up watching Ashraf Sinclair on TV. Sad to hear the news of his sudden demise. Truly, death is unexpected. Always appreciate everyone in your life. Al Fatihah.
— Ikhwan (@JatIkhwan) February 18, 2020
"BCL literally just finished her duty on Indonesian Idol, going home, and then Asraf Sinclair suddenly passed away. I'm sorry to hear that. Innalilahi wa innailaihi rajiun, may he rest in peace," tulis @Irsyadhhs.
BCL literally just finished her duty on Indonesian Idol, going home, and then Asraf Sinclair suddenly passed away. I'm sorry to hear that.Innalilahi wa innailaihi rajiun, may he rest in peace.
— Irsyad Gosling (@Irsyadhhs) February 18, 2020
"Just heard the news that Ashraf Sinclair just passed away. This shocking news is to remind us to embrace every moment with your loved one. Life is too short, life is unpredictable. Innalilahi waina illaihi rajiun," demikian belasungkawa dari pemilik akun @__widy.
Just heard the news that Ashraf Sinclair just passed away. This shocking news is to remind us to embrace every moment with your loved one. Life is too short, life is unpredictable. Innalilahi waina illaihi rajiun.
— WRW 😊 (@__widy) February 18, 2020
Ashraf dan BCL
Ashraf Sinclair adalah aktor Malaysia kelahiran 18 September 1979. Ia menikah dengan Bunga Citra Lestari (BCL) pada 8 November 2008 di Jakarta. Pernikahan keduanya dikaruniai seorang anak laki-laki bernama Noah Aidan Sinclair.
Kabar duka wafatnya Ashraf diungkap oleh Jodie Octora, salah satu rekan Bunga Citra Lestari dan Ashraf Sinclair. Ia merupakan seorang fotografer.
"Innalillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Rojiun. Ashraf Sinclair 18 Februari 2020. Photo terakhir yg gw ambil buat Almarhum. Semoga amal ibadahnya diterima Allah SWT. Stay Strong @bclsinclair," tulisnya dalam unggahan Instagram Stories.
Ashraf Sinclair meninggal dunia dalam usia 40 tahun.
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