Police Confirms Chinese Cyber Criminals in RI Work for Yakuza

Cyber criminals in Indonesia have been identified as Chinese nationals controlled under the auspices of Japan and Taiwan mafia.

oleh Audrey SantosoAdanti Pradita Diperbarui 21 Agu 2015, 10:00 WIB
Diterbitkan 21 Agu 2015, 10:00 WIB
Komplotan Cyber Crime Asal Tiongkok Berhasil Diamankan Polisi
Sejumlah Warga Negara Asing (WNA) asal Tiongkok berhasil diamankan oleh Polda Metro di kawasan Cilandak Timur, Jakarta, Kamis (7/5/2015). Mereka diduga terlibat penipuan dengan modus cyber crime. (Liputan6.com/Faizal Fanani)... Selengkapnya

Liputan6.com, Jakarta - The Indonesian Regional Police Headquarter announced its successful bust on hundreds of Chinese nationals in a gradual manner throughout this year.

These men held captive for they have been found guilty for operating cybercrime in Indonesia. Director for Common Criminality from the Regional Police Headquarter, Officer Krishna Murti allege the fact that these men were controlled by mafia groups in Taiwan and Japan or commonly known as Yakuza.

His allegation was a repercussion to initial information given by Taiwan local police who have spent a relatively long time investigating the case domestically.

As time progresses, police officers of involved nations identify linkage between the mafia groups and the underdogs that were dictated by them.

"Yakuza from Japan allegedly played a significant role as a source of funding for those operating cybercrime in Indonesia. Taiwanese mafia allegedly support the venture by playing a role as the one managing the recruitment of Chinese nationals to work for them," Officer Krishna said on Thursday 20 August 2015.

Cybercrime perpetrators bust along with a series of investigation placed upon the matter was done by joint cooperation between Indonesian police and Taiwanese police force.

Taiwan police paid respect to Indonesian police force as they are viewed to have been successful in finding out the whereabouts of international syndicate for cybercrime.

"We appreciate the Indonesian Polices work. You are successful, yeah in this case," one of Taiwanese officers told Officer Krishna. Police raided a home situated in the northern part of Jakarta on the noon of 20th August 2015.

The house has been police primary operation target for quite some time, following reports suggesting the likeliness of the venue to be housing a large number of individuals originating from China who has been recruited by Yakuza and Taiwanese mafia to operate cybercrime in Indonesia. (Akp/Tnt)

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