Djarot: Jakarta is Unsafe like Any Other City in The World

There is a need for regional government to work more cooperatively with the police in combating crimes around Jakarta area.

oleh Hanz Jimenez Salim Diperbarui 28 Jan 2015, 18:04 WIB
Diterbitkan 28 Jan 2015, 18:04 WIB
Jelang Pelantikan, Cawagub Djarot Blusukan ke Taman
Wagub DKI Jakarta Djarot Saiful Hidayat ( Hayat)... Selengkapnya, Jakarta The Vice Governor of DKI Jakarta Djarot Syaiful Hidayat stresses the need for the government and the local police to seriously combat criminals around the region. This notion comes up as he thinks there are no purely secured cities in the whole world, including Jakarta.


"There is almost none. Try giving me one example of city in the world that is zero-crime. Almost none," Djarot said at the City Hall, Jakarta, Wednesday (28/01/2015).

The Criminal Inspector of Jakarta police Heru Pranoto also supports this notion. According to Hery, crimes rooted from personal problems.


"It is almost impossible to have our city to be a zero- crime one. Criminality has always been there to decorate the lives of every human," he added.


For that matter, police and the regional government have to realize that they hold important responsibilities and roles to control the widespread of rampant criminality.


"The law enforcers ought to take this matter seriously. They have to work cooperatively with the regional government to control the crimes committed," he continued.

Jakarta is one of the breeding grounds for crime, especially at night time. But Djarot believes that with the government working more effectively and collaboratively with the police, the number of criminality will experience a significant decline.


"We cant always say that the city is secure. In crowded places at night, it is perhaps still safe to walk around. We are now trying to further assure the safety of everyone. We have controlled the situation, but we want to make sure that there are no crimes committed in the future, that is what we want to make sure. We want to make it a lot safer," Heru said at the Cityhall, Jakarta, Wednesday (28/01/2015).

Heru further explains how from December 2014 through to January 2015, crime rate has accelerated with more perpetrators started using sharp weapons and firearms.

For that matter, the cooperation and synergy between the Jakarta government and police is of paramount importance. This is done to minimize the widespread of crimes and also to control its potentiality to exacerbate overtime.


"Apart from the established system of order rom the Governor, the cooperation among all involving law enforcers will help assure the security of all," Heru concluded. (Akp)


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