Survey Conducted Shows 1 out 14 Indonesian Students Support ISIS

SETARA Institute survey questions students from 114 different schools regarding their outlook on ISIS movement and presence in general.

oleh Audrey SantosoAdanti Pradita diperbarui 30 Mar 2015, 20:48 WIB
Diterbitkan 30 Mar 2015, 20:48 WIB
Ilustrasi ISIS
Ilustrasi ISIS ( Selengkapnya, Jakarta A prominent organization called SETARA Institute has performed a survey on 684 students from 114 different high schools in Jakarta and Bandung.

The purpose of the survey is to find out the students point of view regarding the notoriously know radical group, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The result shows that 1 out 14 students support ISIS movement.

75,3% or 515 respondents of the survey admitted that they know about ISIS. When asked about their outlook on ISIS, 36,2% views the group as a pool of sadistic individuals finding consolation through terrorist activity, 30,2% sees the group as violent individuals hiding under the banner of Islam, whereas the other 16,9% convey, the group is packed with warriors who are trying to fight for Islam.

"From the survey, we dig deeper into the most crucial question. That is, whether or not they support the presence of ISIS," SETARA Institute Research Director, Ismail Hasani said at SETARA Institute office, Bendungan Hilir, Centra Jakarta, Monday (30/3/2015). 

As the question was presented to them, out of the 515 respondents, 75,2% answered 'no', 15,3% decided to play safe by answering 'I don’t know' and the other 9,5% answered yes.

"So, in other words, at least 1 out of 14 students support ISIS movement," Ismail informed.

However, this cannot be seen as a black and white situation. The students who answered ‘yes’ cannot hastily be categorized as potential members of ISIS.

"However, this can be used as a the government's benchmark to be more serious and aware in the wake of rampant ISIS widespread," Ismail continued.

The survey was done from 9 to 19 March 2015 in 76 schools in Jakarta and 38 schools in bandung. The method used is simple random sampling. 6 students from each school have been assigned to do the survey. 

So a total of 684 student from these schools are questioned regarding their view on ISIS.  The survey is considered legitimate by 95% with the margin or error on 4,7. (Akp/Riz)


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