, Jember - The government of Jember regency held a joint watching event for the 2022 World Cup in the main square to stimulate the regional economic sector.
In Indonesia, such activity is termed as nonton bareng (watching-together) or nonbar. It is a popular past time in Indonesia.
Baca Juga
"We are taking advantage of the momentum for the World Cup 2022 to watch together as part of our self-branding, while increasing people's purchasing power for local products," said Jember Regent Hendy Siswanto, Monday (28/11/2022).
The Jember Regency Government provides the facility for nonbar of the World Cup Qatar 2022 via Megatron in the public square for free.
"The presence of Megatron, which cost a budget of Rp 1,5 billion, is not solely to make it look cool or dashing, but as a place to activate the people's economic movements from the grassroot level," said Hendy Siswanto.
The Jember government also officially buys license for nonbar from the holder of the World Cup broadcasting rights in Indonesia.
EMTEK group is the official broadcaster for the World Cup 2022 in Indonesia. The is also part of EMTEK group.
Jember Regency itself has 647 thousand Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) or UMKM which are coming from 248 different villages. Every week, there are 900 MSMEs in the creative economy sector which are involved in the World Cup nonbar events in the square.
Empowering the Economy
Furthermore, Hendy explained that Jember Regency has a population of 2.6 million people and if only 1 million residents make transactions while watching the World Cup together, then there will be the potential for transactions and quite large money circulation.
"We are collaborating with MSMEs in watching the World Cup together, so that the development of MSMEs in the creative economy sector can mobilize and increase," he explained.
Hendy also encourages people to buy the local products in the area.
"Don't forget to bring money to the square and buy products that are around the watching activities together," he said.
Hendy is optimistic and believes that the concept of Jember residents buying local Jember products is one of the efforts to suppress inflation and will continue to bear positive results.
Writer: Safinatun Nikmah.
Hermawan Arifianto contributed to the report.