Sedang Galau? 4 Lagu Ini akan Membuat Anda Merasa Seksi telah memilihkan empat lagu pilihan untuk menemani Anda yang sedang sulit untuk tersenyum.

oleh Rizkiono Unggul Wibisono Diperbarui 21 Mar 2015, 09:00 WIB
Diterbitkan 21 Mar 2015, 09:00 WIB
pixie lott (
... Selengkapnya, Jakarta Merasa seakan dunia tak berarti lagi karena sesuatu alasan? Tenang, Anda tak sendiri. Kesedihan bisa menghinggapi siapa saja dan dimana saja. Perasaan galau adalah bagian tak terpisahkan dari cinta. Memahami Anda, telah memilihkan empat lagu pilihan untuk menemani Anda yang sedang sulit tersenyum. Yang lalu biarlah berlalu. Jangan diratapi, jangan bunuh diri, cukup dinikmati dan biarkan hari berganti.

Promosi 1

Spoiled - Joss Stone

Saat Sedang Galau, 4 Lagu Ini akan Membuat Anda Merasa Seksi telah memilihkan empat lagu pilihan untuk menemani Anda yang sedang sulit untuk tersenyum.... Selengkapnya

Spoiled bercerita tentang seseorang yang berusaha melupakan seseorang yang sangat dicintainya. Namun, sekuat apapun ia berusaha, bayangan wajahnya selalu kembali dan tak mau pergi. Lagu berbalut blues dan jazz ringan ini terasa seksi dibawakan vokal soul kuat ala Joss Stone.

Lirik lagu Spoiled - Joss Stone

I kinda thought that I'd be better off by myself
I've never been so wrong before
You made it impossible for me to ever
Love somebody else
And now I don't know what I left you for

See I thought that I could replace you
He can't love me the way you do
'Till now I never knew

I'm spoiled
By your love boy
No matter how I try to change my mind
What's the point it's just a waste of time
I'm spoiled by your touch boy
The love you give is just too hard to fight
Don't want to live without you in my life
I'm spoiled

I tried to tell myself that I'd be over you in a week or two
But baby that was 'bout a year ago
I've never seen the word love so personified as I do with you
And that is why I just can't let go, oh no

Spoil me

And I would only be fooling myself if I tried to
Believe there's room for someone else in my heart
There ain't no way I'm getting over you
I don't know what I've been trying to prove
I'm hopeless, helpless when it comes to you

I've been spoiled yeah yeah

When I Think of You - Lee Ryan

Miliki Obat Terlarang, Lee Ryan Ditangkap
Karena obat terlarang yang ia miliki, Lee Ryan ditangkap oleh kepolisian setempat.... Selengkapnya

When I think of You adalah sebuah lagu seksi bernuansa pop soul. Berkisah tentang seseorang yang telah menemukan sosok sempurna, lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh salah satu personel Blue ini mampu mengembalikan semangat Anda. Masih banyak ikan di lautan, semua akan indah pada waktunya. Santai saja.

Lirik lagu When I Think of You - Lee Ryan

Youre my past, my future,
My all, my everything,
My six in the morning when the clock rings
and i open up my eyes to a new day
My Laughs, my frowns
My ups, My downs
Its a feeling that you get when you know that somethings true,
When i think of love i think of you

Im looking at you while your sleeping here beside me,
Oh, mere words cant explain the love i have inside
Its more than just a physical thing, i know
Its something like a spiritual connection
I feel it in my soul heart and mind

The sweetest thing is what you are
From you, I'll never be to far,
Please say forever you will stay beside me

Your beautiful like the colours of the rainbow
Warm heated like the rays of the sun on summer days
All i got to do is look into your eyes to lose myself
Your the substance of my dreams, epitomy of women
The only one i truly call mine

Oohh when i think of love i think of you
Baby i love you, baby i need you.

You Give Me Something - James Morrison

Saat Sedang Galau, 4 Lagu Ini akan Membuat Anda Merasa Seksi telah memilihkan empat lagu pilihan untuk menemani Anda yang sedang sulit untuk tersenyum.... Selengkapnya


You Give Me Something merupakan lagu James Morrison paling terkenal hingga kini. Bernuansakan blues, soul, dan rock yang ringan, dibalut dengan vokal James yang kasar, lagu yang berkisah tentang seseorang yang sedang berusaha menikmati dan mempertahankan hubungan ini asyik didengarkan.

Lirik lagu You Give Me Something - James Morrison

You only stay with me in the morning
You only hold me when I sleep
I was meant to tread the water
But now I've gotten in too deep

For every piece of me that wants you
Another piece backs away

You give me something
That makes me scared alright
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to give it a try
Please give me something
Because someday I might know my heart

You only waited up for hours
Just to spend a little time alone with me
And I can say I've never bought you flowers
I can't work out what they mean

I never thought that I'd love someone
That was someone else's dream

You give me something
That makes me scared alright
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to give it a try
Please give me something
Because someday I might call you from my heart

But it might be a second too late
And the words that I could never say
Are gonna come out anyway

You give me something
That makes me scared alright
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to give it a try
Please give me something

You give me something
That makes me scared alright
This could be nothing
But I'm willing to give it a try
Please give me something
Because someday I might know my heart

Know my heart, know my heart, know my heart

Cry Me Out - Pixie Lott

pixie lott (
Pixie Lott ( Selengkapnya

Cry Me Out merupakan sebuah lagu tentang hancurnya sebuah hubungan dan perasaan patah hati setelahnya. Namun bukan dalam artian galau, si dia yang ingin balikan namun Anda yang sudah muak dengannya seakan tertawa dan menyuruhnya untuk mengemis cinta. Lagu ini dinyanyikan secara kuat oleh si cantik Pixie Lott. Hasilnya? Sempurna. Ingin mengobati patah hati? Dengarkan 'Cry Me Out' ini.

Lirik lagu Cry Me Out - Pixie Lott

I got your emails
You just don't get females now, do you?
What's in my heart
Is not in your head, anyway

Mate, you're too late
And you weren't worth the wait, now were you?
It's out of my hands
Since you blew your last chance when you played me

You'll have to cry me out
You'll have to cry me out
The tears that will fall mean nothing at all
It's time to get over yourself

Baby, you ain't all that
Baby, there's no way back
You can keep talkin'
But baby, I'm walkin' away

When I found out
You messed me about, I was broken
Back then I believed you
Now I don't need ya no more

The pic on your phone
Proves you weren't alone, she was with you, yeah
Now I couldn't care about who, what or where
We're through

You'll have to cry me out
You'll have to cry me out
The tears that will fall mean nothing at all
It's time to get over yourself

Baby, you ain't all that
Baby, there's no way back
You can keep talkin'
But baby, I'm walkin' away

Gonna have to cry me out
Gonna have to cry me out
Boy, there ain't no doubt
Gonna have to cry me out

Won't hurt a little bit
Boy, better get used to it
You can keep talkin'
But baby, I'm walkin' away

You'll have to cry me out
You'll have to cry me out
The tears that will fall mean nothing at all
It's time to get over yourself

'Cause baby you ain't all that
Baby, there's no way back
You can keep talkin'
Baby, I'm walkin' away

You'll have to cry me out
You'll have to cry me out

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