, Jakarta - LANY kembali merilis lagu baru yang bertajuk "Home Is Where The Hurt Is" pada Rabu (12/09/2023). Lagu yang di produseri oleh Mike Crossey dan LANY ini bercerita tentang seseorang yang sedang berusaha untuk menyembuhkan diri sendiri di tengah kesedihan dan kerinduan yang ia rasakan.
Seseorang yang mendambakan keadaan yang lebih baik dan berharap bisa meninggalkan situasi sulit yang ia alami saat ini. Ada keinginan yang besar dari seseorang untuk terlepas dari segala beban dan emosi negatif yang selalu menghantui dirinya.
Meskipun begitu, orang itu sadar bahwa ia membutuhkan tekad dan usaha yang sungguh-sungguh untuk mewujudkan keinginannya. Untuk mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih baik, maka ia harus rela untuk meninggalkan kebiasaan lama yang dianggap buruk dan kian membuatnya terpuruk.
"Home Is Where The Hurt Is" menjadi track nomor lima dalam album I Really Really Hope So. Bagi yang penasaran dengan lirik lagunya, yuk simak dibawah ini.
Lirik Lagu Home Is Where The Hurt Is
We live on different streets but we share the same pain
Her stepdad doesn't even know her middle name
And you're so good at everything but lovin' me
And hate the man I hope to be
Two choices, stay or leave
What good is it to dream
If we ain't gonna move our feet? So
Saturday, runaway, get out of the circus
Little town, never found any kind of purpose
We both know our broken hearts deserve this (Oh)
'Cause home is where the hurt is
We live on different streets, but we share the same world
Her stepdad doesn't even know she's into girls
And half my friends are drunk or hooked on somethin' worse
The other half just wish they were
Two choices, stay or leave
What good is it to dream
If we ain't gonna move our feet?So
Saturday, runaway, get out of the circus
Little town, never found any kind of purpose
We both know our broken hearts deserve this (Oh)
'Cause home is where the hurt is
Sunset, 40 West, head for that horizon
Don’t you look back again, gotta keep on drivin'
We both know our broken hearts deserve this (Oh)
'Cause home is where the hurt is
Oh, Saturday, runaway, get out of the circus
Little town, never found any kind of purpose
We both know our broken hearts deserve this (Oh)
'Cause home is where the hurt is
Sunset, 40 West, head for that horizon
Don’t you look back again, gotta keep on drivin'
We both know our broken hearts deserve this (Oh)
'Cause home is where the hurt is
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ('Cause home is where the hurt is)
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ('Cause home is where the hurt is)
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ('Cause home is where the hurt is)
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ('Cause home is where the hurt is)Ooh-ooh-oohOoh-ooh-ooh