, Jakarta - Gayatri Wailissa, a talented 19-year-old girl from Ambon, Maluku, who had mastered 14 foreign languages passed away on Thursday night, October 23.
Gayatri was rushed to hospital after suffering dizziness while jogging in Taman Suropati, Jakarta.
There were suspected irregularities in the death of Gayatri, so her family asked for the autopsy report to ascertain the cause of death of the girl who mastered 14 languages.
Her mother, Nurul Idawati left home in Maluku, Ambon to go to Jakarta to pick up the body of her beloved daughter. "We want to bring her to Ambon. She will be buried in the Cemeteries and Memorial Park, " Nurul said in Abdi Waluyo Hospital, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Friday (10/24/2014).
Born in Ambon on August 31, 1995, Gayatri is the pride of the family and the nation. She mastered more than 14 languages at a young age. The daughter of Deddy Wailissa, a craftsman of calligraphy, and Nurul Idawati also made a series of achievements during her lifetime.
Gayatri Wailissa once represented Indonesia at the ASEAN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in Thailand. During this forum, Gayatri acted as a translator for almost of the all participant. Thanks to her mastery in that field of language, Gayatri was later dubbed the "Little Doctor" from Indonesia.
In addition to speaking fluent English, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Chinese, Arabic, German, French, Korean, Japanese, and Indian, Gayatri was also good at reading poetry, playing theater, drama, playing the violin, and writing. (Tnt)
Gayatri, The Wonderful Girl Who Spoke 14 Language Passed Away
Gayatri was rushed to hospital after suffering dizziness while jogging in Taman Suropati, Jakarta.
Diperbarui 24 Okt 2014, 17:26 WIBDiterbitkan 24 Okt 2014, 17:26 WIB
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