, Jakarta - Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) Commander, Admiral Yudo Margono, will evaluate the matter of reducing TNI soldiers in Papua. He is set to visit Papua and monitor directly the security situation in the area.
"We will evaluate it first, then I will report to the President about the situation," Yudo said after being sworn in as the Commander of the TNI by President Jokowi at the State Palace in Jakarta, Monday (19/12/2022).
"Later, I will have the first opportunity to come there with the Chief of Staff to see in real terms what is really happening there," he continued.
Moreover, he will seek input from TNI soldiers in Papua, the local government, the communities, and the local religious leaders. After that, Yudo will decide on a security strategy in Papua.
Yudo has not decided on the strategy yet until he sees the situations in Papua with his own eyes.
"I will decide later. The decision is after I check. Then I will report to the President," he continued.
According to him, TNI operations in Papua will highlight territorial operations. However, Yudo ensured that the TNI would remain firm to follow the existing laws.
"Right now, the operation is being emphasized more on territorial operations, maybe not military operations, that is what needs to be underlined. Of course, it's still firmly in accordance with the existing law," said Yudo.
Previously, President Jokowi assessed the planned humanistic approach and the reduction of TNI soldiers in Papua. However, Jokowi also reminded the TNI to remain firm against the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) because they often commit acts of violence.
"I think both the humanistic approach is good, the reduction of TNI soldiers in Papua is good, but you have to be firm there because the KKB always acts like that," Jokowi told reporters after Yudo Margono's inauguration as TNI Commander at the State Palace in Jakarta, Monday (19/12/2022).
Jokowi Officially Inaugurated Yudo Margono as TNI Commander
President Joko Widodo or Jokowi inaugurated Admiral Yudo Margono as the TNI Commander at the Jakarta Presidential Palace, today, Monday (19/12/2022) at 11.30 WIB.
Previously, the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) had approved Admiral Yudo Margono as the TNI Commander to replace General Andika Perkasa who was entering retirement age.
After passing the plenary session, Yudo stated that he would continue and improve on what had been done by the former Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces, General Andika Perkasa.
Commission I of the DPR approved Admiral Yudo Margono to become the TNI Commander after the fit and proper test held on Friday, December 2.
President Jokowi revealed that one of the reasons to appoint Admiral Yudo as the commander was the rotation. That it is the navy's turn to be the commonder.
The position of TNI Commander was previously held by General Andika Perkasa from the ground force. Before Andika, it was Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto from the air force.
Writer: Safinatun Nikmah.
Lizsa Egeham contributed to the report.