Potret Albinisme dalam Keindahan yang Menakjubkan

Di tangan seorang fotografer, orang-orang yang albino terlihat indah dan cantik.

oleh Latifah Gusri Diperbarui 11 Jul 2017, 12:18 WIB
Diterbitkan 11 Jul 2017, 12:18 WIB
Potret Albinisme dalam Keindahan yang Menakjubkan
Di tangan seorang fotografer, orang-orang yang albino terlihat indah dan cantik. (Foto: Instagram/@yuliataitsphoto)... Selengkapnya

Liputan6.com, Jakarta Siapa bilang dunia modeling dan fotografi hanya untuk orang-orang yang normal dan memiliki tubuh yang sempurna?

Dilansir dari Cosmopolitan, Selasa (11/7/17), melalui tangan seorang fotografer yang berbasis di Israel, Yulia Taits, ia berhasil mengabadikan momen orang-orang yang memiliki kelainan genetik sehingga menyebabkan mereka tidak memiliki pigmen pada kulit, rambut dan mata atau yang umum dikenal dengan nama Albinisme.

Taits berhasil membidik kecantikan dan keindahan dari para penderita albino dalam serial fotonya yang diberi nama “Porcelain Beauty”. Sebelumnya pada November tahun lalu, Taits juga berhasil menerbitkan proyek ini yang didedikasikan untuk orang-orang penderita Albinisme.

Foto-foto cantik tersebut berhasil mendapatkan banyak perhatian dan apresiasi dunia, terutama bagi para penderita Albinisme. Mereka mengaku melalui proyek tersebut, berhasil membangun kepercayaan diri sehingga membuat mereka merasa cantik dan sempurna yang sama dengan manusia lainnya. Penasaran dengan hasil karya Taits, berikut foto-foto cantik yang berhasil diabadikannya.


🌸Porcelain Beauty Project 2017🌸 . Tair & Gili . In November of last year, I published my project "Porcelain Beauty" which is dedicated to people with Albinism. In a few days it spread around the world and it received huge exposure and appreciation. I got a lot of feedback from people, many of them were people with Albinism. They were saying my project is so powerful and it makes them feel beautiful and confident in the way they are. This is the main reason i decided to continue and create more beautiful images. I'm so excited to present "Porcelain Beauty Volume 2". Thank you very much, to all my models and their partners for your help and support. Without you guys I couldn't have created such powerful and beautiful images. Special thanks goes out to @merav_peleg for the adorable paper flowers #albinism #porcelainbeauty #albinismisbeautiful

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🌸Porcelain Beauty Project 2017🌸 . Michal . In November of last year, I published my project "Porcelain Beauty" which is dedicated to people with Albinism. In a few days it spread around the world and it received huge exposure and appreciation. I got a lot of feedback from people, many of them were people with Albinism. They were saying my project is so powerful and it makes them feel beautiful and confident in the way they are. This is the main reason i decided to continue and create more beautiful images. I'm so excited to present "Porcelain Beauty Volume 2". Thank you very much, to all my models and their partners for your help and support. Without you guys I couldn't have created such powerful and beautiful images. #albinism #porcelainbeauty #albinismisbeautiful#all_israel

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Porcelain Beauty project🌸 #8

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