, Jakarta Beberapa bulan terakhir, Maudy Ayunda sregep merilis single berbahasa Inggris. Setelah “Don’t Know Why” dan “Not For Us,” kini ia meluncurkan lagu baru “Heartless.”
Ketiga tembang ini memperkuat extended play alias EP bertajuk The Hidden Tapes Vol.1 milik Maudy Ayunda yang dirilis di bawah naungan Trrinity Optima Production.
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Mengisahkan perasaan pasangan yang kurang peka, “Heartless” membuktikan Maudy Ayunda adalah singer songwriter andal Tanah Air. Berikut lirik lagu “Heartless.”
Untuk mengetahui kebenaran informasi yang beredar, silakan WhatsApp ke nomor 0811 9787 670 hanya dengan ketik kata kunci yang diinginkan.
When It's Good
When it's good
It's so good
You get me high
Everything's all right
Everything's all good
But when it's bad
Baby, you lose your mind
You can't handle me
I become your enemy
Who is this stranger in the car
Whenever I start crying it's like
I don't know you anymore
What is this stone cold energy
You always start giving me
When tears drop
Down my face
Cause I try to make you see
Just what I really mean (just what I really mean)
And I cry to make you see
Just how I really feel
But baby, you're so heartless
You're so heartless
You're so heartless
You're so heartless
But when it's bad
Baby, you lose your mind
You can't handle me
I become your enemy
Who is this stranger in the car
Whenever I start crying it's like
I don't know you anymore
What is this stone cold energy
You always start giving me
When tears drop
Down my face
Cause I try to make you see
Just what I really mean (just what I really mean, I really mean)
And I cry to make you see
Just how I really feel (just how I really feel, I really feel)
Baby, you're so heartless
You don't hold my hand when I'm angry, yeah
You don't hold me close when I'm upset, yeah
Why won't you?
Won't you hold my hand when I'm angry, yeah
Won't you hold me close when I'm upset, yeah
Don't you know
That I try (to make you see)
(Just what I really mean)
Don't you know, don't you know that I try, baby
(I really mean, I really mean)
And I cry (to make you see)
(Just how I really feel)
Til you'll see
But you don't see it 'cause
Baby, you're so heartless
Tell me now if you can't change...