Two Days of Governorship, Ahok Already Has A Strategy

Ahok presents a number of strategy in response to the rising fuel prices.

oleh Andi Muttya Keteng Diperbarui 20 Nov 2014, 18:06 WIB
Diterbitkan 20 Nov 2014, 18:06 WIB
Kilas Balik Ahok, Gubernur Baru Jakarta
Pada tahun 2004 Basuki Tjahaja Purnama terjun ke dunia politik dan bergabung di bawah bendera Partai Perhimpunan Indonesia Baru (Partai PIB) sebagai ketua DPC Kabupaten Belitung Timur ( Selengkapnya, Jakarta Recent fuel price hike implemented by President Joko Widodo inevitably affects public transport fares in some areas. Reports claim many are enraged and dissatisfied with this decision. Recently elected Jakarta’s Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama comes up with an alternative plan to alleviate the situation.

“It is important for public transportation in Jakarta to use gas as its energy,” shared Basuki Tjahaja Purnama at City Hall on Tursday (11/20/2014).

Apart from his plan on replacing oil fuel with gas for public transportations, he orders that all public transportation entrepreneurs will be working under PT Jakarta Transportation (TransJakarta). The payment method will be rupiah per kilometre. The public transportations drivers as well as the operator need to regularly check whether or not the vehicles are still in good condition.

With all public transportations directly managed by PT TransJakarta, transport drivers will receive a monthly salary of Rp 5 million. This notion is expected to minimize the possibility of those transports stopping illegally at certain no-stopping zones and driving recklessly. 

Today is Ahok’s second day as Jakarta Governor. He was appointed on November 19 2014 by President Jokowi, a day after fuel price is increased. (Akp/Ein)



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