'Insiden Anjing' Penyebab Macet di Jalan Raya

Kekecauan lalu lintas di jalan raya ini terjadi, karena tiba-tiba saja sekelompok anjing pemburu melintas.

oleh Shareva Azahra Diperbarui 13 Jan 2015, 13:54 WIB
Diterbitkan 13 Jan 2015, 13:54 WIB
Kekacauan anjing pemburu yang tersesat dijalur lalu lintas. (metro.co.uk)
Kekacauan anjing pemburu yang tersesat dijalur lalu lintas. (metro.co.uk)... Selengkapnya

Liputan6.com, Shrewbury - Pengemudi di Shrewsbury disuguhi pemandangan yang tidak biasa ketika sejumlah anjing pemburu tersesat di jalan raya. Kehadiran mereka pun membuat jalan menjadi macet.

Anjing-anjing entah mengapa berlari ke jalan A5 di Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Inggris. Sehingga penjaga berkuda mengejar mereka dan membuat banyak mobil yang melintas mengerem mendadak.

Polisi Mercia Barat mengatakan, satu mobil dilaporkan mengalami kerusakan akibat 'insiden anjing' tersebut. Demikian dilansir dari Metro UK.

This is the bizarre moment stunned motorists came to halt after a huntsman came trotting the wrong way down a busy dual carriageway.  See NTI story NTIHUNT.  The huntsman, along with a colleague on the other side of the road, wandered onto the carriageway after a group of confused hounds strayed off a nearby field.  One of the riders, who was wearing red hunting clothing, was seen going alongside the traffic on the northbound carriageway.  But the other huntsman forced traffic to come to a halt completely as he rode the wrong way up the southbound side of the A5 near Shrewsbury, Shrops., at 3.30pm on Wednesday (7/1).  Dramatic pictures taken by one driver shows the man, who is wearing a black jacket, riding his white horse in-between vehicles in the middle of the two lanes.  Another snap shows one of the hounds racing towards hedges at the side of the road as a giant lorry drives past nearby.
Polisi kemudian dipanggil untuk berjaga-jaga di lokasi tersebut selama beberapa jam. Hingga anjing dan kuda itu berhasil digiring ke tepi jalan kedua sisi jalur lalu lintas.


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