China and Japan Held a 'Private' Meeting at JCC

The leaders of the two countries are now in the Merak room, Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan to undergo the private meeting.

oleh Adanti Pradita diperbarui 22 Apr 2015, 17:51 WIB
Diterbitkan 22 Apr 2015, 17:51 WIB
Presiden Joko Widodo Buka Konferensi Asia Afrika 2015
Presiden Indonesia Joko Widodo (baris depan - keempat kiri), Presiden Cina Xi Jinping (ketiga dari kiri), dan Perdana Menteri Jepang Shinzo Abe (mengangkat tangan) berfoto saat KTT Asia Afrika di JCC, Jakarta , (22/4/2015). ( Zakharia), Jakarta - The 60th Asia-Africa Conference Commemoration in both Jakarta and Bandung will not only serve as the gentle reminder for all participating nations about the importance of cooperation but also a platform to rejoice peace through reconciliation process. This suggests the need for currently problematic nations to examine the conflict from its roots and consider the availability of peace as a desirable option.

The desired independence of Palestine has been included in the agenda for the 2015 AAC with Indonesian President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo ambitiously encouraging foreign delegations to contribute to the restoration of peace by supporting the right for Palestine to independence. Apart from Palestine, it has been learned that two rivalling countries, China and Japan are also present at the conference and the two prominent delegations representing each country reportedly seeks for a private meeting later in the day to discuss potential stabilization of their never-ending fluky relationship.

The recently decided private meeting that was prearranged shortly after the official commencement of Asia- Africa Summit between the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Chinese President Xi Jinping, is expected to generate positive outcome signalling the closure of calamitous wars in the past and the bitterness that follows.

In marking the 60th Bandung Conference, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe remarks about the Asian and African countries undying efforts to collectively emancipate themselves from colonialism.

"We should never allow to go unchecked the use of force by the mightier to twist the weaker around," he announced at the summit, Senayan, Jakarta  as quoted from Reuters on Wednesday morning (22/4/2015).

"The wisdom of our forefathers in Bandung was that the rule of law should protect the dignity of sovereign nations, be they large or small," he contined.

Minister Abe’s remarks and realization of the dire need to ‘protect the dignity of sovereign nations’ and the evidently shifting China’s policy which leans in favour of stable relations with its neighbour are considered as an effective stepping stone to put an end to the tumult.

The leaders of the two countries are now in the Merak room, Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan to undergo the private meeting they have previously announced. (Akp/Ein)


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