Two Indonesia Warships Dispatched to Secure Nusakambangan Island

Police vessel have also patrolled around the perimeter to assure the security prior to the execution of the second batch.

oleh Adanti Pradita Diperbarui 10 Mar 2015, 11:29 WIB
Diterbitkan 10 Mar 2015, 11:29 WIB
Kapal KRI
(ANTARA FOTO/Prasetyo Utomo)... Selengkapnya, Jakarta Despite the fact that the exact timing for the execution of the second batch at Nusakambangan remains undecided, the Indonesian government felt that it was necessary for the nation to dispatch two Indonesian battleships, KRI Diponegoro and KRI Lambung Mangkurat to secure the parameter around Nusakambangan.

This security measure is not to provoke any kind negative sentiment which may lead to war or any kind, but just to assure that there are no interferences throughout the execution process. Police vessels have also been patrolling around the Nusakambangan island.

Before the Bali Nine duo being transferred to the Nusakambangan island, two of Indonesian warships, KRI Pulau Rimau and KRI Weling have already been assigned to secure Bali island. The reason as to why these warships have been dispatched by the Indonesian authority is due the fact there is a dire need for the to secure the parameter especially around the eastern border.

The second batch of the execution has attracted worldwide attention and many of them are against the notion of execution. Not to sound pessimistic, but the Indonesian government wants to be ready in anticipating any kind of intervention or unwanted endeavours from parties that are evidently against or disapprove of the Indonesian government decision for the execution.

The execution of the second batch of the death row inmate will be done this week. However, the exact timing remains undecided or kept secret by the Indonesian authorities. There will be no postponement for the execution. Families of the inmates are allowed to visit them prior to the execution. (Akp/Ein)


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