RI Ministry of Industry Offers Polandia Investment Opportunities

Electricity infrastructures are developed within industrial sites to facilitate growing domestic demands.

oleh Silvanus AlvinAdanti Pradita Diperbarui 17 Apr 2015, 14:21 WIB
Diterbitkan 17 Apr 2015, 14:21 WIB
2016, Krisis Listrik Ancam Jawa-Bali
Pertambahan kebutuhan listrik di pulau Jawa yang cukup pesat, tidak dapat diimbangi pembangunan infrastruktur pembangkit oleh PLN. (Liputan6.com/Faizal Fanani) ... Selengkapnya

Liputan6.com, Jakarta With the Indonesian Ministry of Industry endeavour to develop 14 industrial sites across the country, a large-scale electricity supply is deemed important. 

It will not be enough to be accommodated with only sufficient amount of electricity supply as it has to be a reliable and therefore the multiplication of the supply is very much desired.

In order to feed such ambition, the development of power plant infrastructure should be a relatively powerful one as it needs to be able to provide electricity energy supply in the industrial areas. 

This suggests the widened opportunities for foreign investors mastering in electricity technology sector to contribute to the development by investing.

The Indonesian government realizes the importance of using advanced technology to build the electricity infrastructure.

"Indonesian opens up opportunity for potential investors from developed countries like Polandia to invest in this project. So, we are hoping for them to not only inject money into the project but also the required technology," Indonesian Minister of Industry, Saleh Husin explained, Friday (17/4/2015). 

The Indonesian government delegations have undergone a meeting with Polish bussinessmen to discuss investment opportunity as well as interest for the projects currently developed in RI industrial sites. 

The project is deemed vital in facilitating the growing domestic market’s demand.

"from 2015 TO 2019, Indonesia will need as much as 35,5 gigawatt of electricity supply," Minister Saleh continued. (Ein)


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