ISIS-Linked Bahrunnaim Changed Website Name after Blocked

Alleged mastermind of attacks in Sarinah Thamrin Jakarta created a website to recruit and teach people to make bombs and guns.

oleh Adanti PraditaNila Chrisna Yulika Diperbarui 19 Jan 2016, 15:21 WIB
Diterbitkan 19 Jan 2016, 15:21 WIB
Dalang di Balik Bom Sarinah Ternyata Lulusan Ilmu Komputer
Bahrun Naim, dalang di balik bom Sarinah merupakan alumnus Ilmu Komputer MIPA di Solo, Jawa Tengah. ... Selengkapnya, Jakarta - The alleged mastermind behind the attacks in Sarinah, Thamrin Jakarta Bahrun Naim previously created a website called website was immediately blocked by the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information Technology in trying to prevent him from being able to recruit people through it and spread dangerous information about how to make TATP bomb and handmade gun akin to berretta or a glock type of handgun.


One of the sub-segments in alleged mastermind of Jakarta terror attacks Bahrun Naim's blocked website (source:

It has been reported that the website resurfaces but with a different name. This pattern is not uncommon to terrorist organizations and other contingents of organized crimes as they seek the simplest and fastest method to persuade people, recruit them and gain better influence through social media.

But it is also necessitated for them to continually change their website’s name to avoid being located by the intelligence agency. But their IP address can be easily traced again if they are using the same content they have used previously.


Alleged mastermind behind Jakarta terror attacks Bahrun Naim shared intelligence's weakness in blocked website (


The website became active in August 2013 and the newest one last update detected to be on 18 January 2016. His followers went up from 43 to 88. It has also been deleted by the ministry.


Alleged mastermind behind Jakarta terror attacks Bahrun Naim sharing counter-intelligence measures in blocked website (


His website encourages others to support terrorist undertakings through extensive analysis on enemy’s (authorities) strength and weaknesses especially the intelligence agency, theoretically expressed strategies to counter-attack them which were included in the web’s sub-segments avoiding intel’s ‘buffling’ (interference) and constructing chain of command system, methods to be exploited in carrying out terror attacks also included in sub-segments such as how to make TATP bomb and lessons to be learned from Paris terror execution and many other blogs where he shared about Hijrah and misleading religious practices.


Alleged mastermind behind Jakarta terror attacks Bahrun Naim sharing command-strategy in blocked website (

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