Student Lost His Leg Due to School Bullying in Bekasi

An elementary school student became a victim of bullying from his school friends and his leg had to be amputated.

oleh Therresia Maria Magdalena Morais diperbarui 03 Nov 2023, 01:57 WIB
Diterbitkan 02 Nov 2023, 20:00 WIB
Bullying Ilustration (Ilustrasi/Istimewa), Jakarta - An elementary school student with the initials F (12) in South Tambun became a victim of bullying from his school friends. As a result of the bullying, F's leg had to be amputated.

As a result of the bullying he experienced in February 2023, F sustained injuries to his legs which subsequently became infected. The condition of F's leg deteriorated, leading to his hospitalization for examination.

Following assessments by doctors from various hospitals, F was diagnosed with bone cancer, necessitating the amputation of his left leg.

Currently, F is undergoing treatment at Dharmais Cancer Hospital in Jakarta, following the amputation procedure.

Regarding this unfortunate incident, a representative from the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) said that the case was being investigated by the police.

Deputy for Special Protection for Children at the ministry, Nahar, said that he had met F's parents at the Dharmais Cancer Hospital, where the victim is currently receiving medical treatment.

The investigators have conducted interviews with the bullied student, the victim's mother, the alleged bully, and the reported child's parents.

"There is an agenda for examining other witnesses who have not previously given testimony," Nahar said.

Nahar also said that it was important to implement child-friendly educational unit policies as an effort to prevent bullying against children.

"Learning from cases of bullying in educational units, it is important to take preventive measures, including implementing child-friendly educational unit policies," he said.

Nahar emphasized that every educational unit must comply with the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology No. 46 of 2023 concerning Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Educational Unit Environment.

The Violence Prevention and Handling Team (TPPK) is a team formed by the education unit to carry out efforts to prevent and handle violence in the education systems.

At the regional level, continued Nahar, a (TPPK) must also be formed which is managed by the relevant local government's agency.


Ahmad Apriyono contributed to this report.

From Bullying Victim to Battling Bone Cancer

Ilustrasi Bully
Ilustrasi Bully. (Pixabay/Geralt)




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