10 Foto Nebula yang Begitu 'Menghipnotis'

Teleskop Hubble merilis 10 kumpulan foto Nebula yang begitu memanjakan mata. Simak penampakannya berikut ini.

oleh Jeko I. R. Diperbarui 24 Apr 2016, 08:00 WIB
Diterbitkan 24 Apr 2016, 08:00 WIB
10 Foto Nebula yang Begitu 'Menghipnotis'
Teleskop Hubble merilis 10 kumpulan foto Nebula yang begitu memanjakan mata. Simak penampakannya berikut ini.... Selengkapnya

Liputan6.com, California - Tak terasa, teleskop Hubble telah menginjak usianya yang ke-26 tahun. Sejak diluncurkan ke luar angkasa pada 21 April 1990 silam, teleskop luar angkasa ini telah menjadi instrumen berharga di kalangan para astronom demi menguak satu per satu misteri kehidupan yang ada di Tata Surya.

Hubble diketahui telah mengorbit Bumi sejauh 340 mil. Selain itu, teleskop tersebut telah mengambil kumpulan gambar galaksi, gugusan bintang, nebula, lubang hitam serta planet-planet dalam resolusi tertinggi.

Di setiap tahunnya, tim pengamat Hubble memilih objek langit lewat lensa kamera yang menurut mereka patut dipublikasikan ke publik.

Di antara banyaknya foto-foto Hubble yang dikoleksi, terdapat 10 foto Nebula jepretan teleskop Hubble yang begitu 'menghipnotis'. Seperti apa penampakannya? Merangkum informasi dari Tech Insider, Minggu (24/4/2016), berikut kumpulan fotonya.

1. Bubble Nebula

This year's birthday image is of a 'Bubble Nebula' between 7,000 and 11,000 light-years away. It formed because the solar wind of a nearby star crashes into a massive molecular cloud full of dust and gas, causing it to glow.
2. Westerlund 2

Westerlund 2, a giant cluster of about 3,000 stars that is 20,000 light-years away, was the 25th anniversary image.
3. Monkey Head Nebula

Birthday photo #24: This colorful plume of gas and bright stars known as the Monkey Head Nebula in the Orion constellation, which is 6,400 light-years away.
4. Horsehead Nebula

For Hubble's 23rd birthday, the team released this photo of the Horsehead Nebula in the Orion constellation taken via infrared imaging, which is why it looks so ethereal.
5. Tarantula Nebula

This incredibly colorful image is of the Tarantula Nebula — so named because its glowing filaments resemble spider legs — celebrated Hubble's 22nd anniversary.

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6. Galaxy "Rose"

7. Carina Nebula

This incredible image celebrated two decades in the sky for the telescope. It's of pillars of gas where stars are born, called the Carina Nebula.
8. Galaxy "Fountain of Youth"

The 19th anniversary team called this image the
9. Kumpulan Galaksi

For Hubble's 18th birthday, the team released not one but 59 images of colliding galaxies. Here are 12 of them.

10. Messier 82

The Hubble team celebrated the telescope's sweet 16 with this image of Messier 82, a starburst galaxy where stars are being born 10 times faster than in the Milky Way.

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