After Jokowi: Ganjar Pranowo Promises to Continue New Capital Project Nusantara

Presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo has committed to carry on with the new capital project Nusantara.

oleh Tommy K. Rony Diperbarui 07 Des 2023, 20:10 WIB
Diterbitkan 07 Des 2023, 20:10 WIB
Ganjar Pranowo Bersama Mahfud MD Daftar KPU
"Ketika rakyat kita semuanya betul-betul mengharapkan buruh bekerja dengan keras, pengusaha harus membanting tulang agar survive dari keadaan ekonomi yang tidak mudah ini, itu adalah cerita tentang kita," kata Ganjar. ( Fanani)... Selengkapnya, Jakarta - Presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo has promised to continue the new capital project Nusantara after President Joko Widodo finishes his term. This latest commitment came despite President Jokowi's souring relationship with Indonesian Democratic Party-Struggle (PDI-Perjuangan).

Both Jokowi and Ganjar receive political support from PDI-Perjuangan. But Jokowi's son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, is now running as VP candidate for Prabowo Subianto.

However, Ganjar claimed he was very close to Jokowi and that he has been involved in the discussions of the new capital (Ibu Kota Negara/IKN) project since beginning.

"About IKN, he [President Jokowi] has an immense concern. Therefore I, without meaning to claim anything, I may understand enough what he has conveyed for us to finish," said Ganjar Pranowo on Thursday (7/12).

The plan to relocate the capital from Jakarta to Kalimantan was initially coming from the first President Soekarno. 

Furthermore, Ganjar expects the local people to be included in the development of Nusantara by providing them access to education, so they could be the host in Nusantara.

"IKN is the story of Indonesia's future, story of modernity, story of the progress of civilization, story of participation, story of green economy, creative industry, digital industri, and future of the children," said Ganjar.

Among the three presidential candidates, Ganjar is the only one who explicitly declares to continue the new capital project as it is. 

Prabowo Subianto's campaign team proposes to incorporate the new capital into the "10 metaverse cities" plan. Meanwhile, Anies Baswedan has promised to review the legality of this project if he wins the 2024 election. Anies is concerned about the huge cost of financing this project.


Ady Anugrahadi contributed to this report.

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